有 Java 编程相关的问题?




if(resp.getResultCode() == HttpStatus.GONE.value()){
  // code inside..

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    这是JLS explanation

    If the operands of an equality operator are both of numeric type, or one is of numeric type and the other is convertible (§5.1.8) to numeric type, binary numeric promotion is performed on the operands (§5.6.2).

    If the promoted type of the operands is int or long, then an integer equality test is performed.


    考虑^ {< CD2>}将被“降级”到^ {< CD3>}的情况下,你会有这样的情况

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        long lvalue = 1234567891011L;
        int ivalue = 1912277059;
        System.out.println(lvalue == ivalue); // false
        System.out.println((int) lvalue == ivalue); // true, but shouldn't